May 23Liked by Anthony R. Rhodd

I am grateful for these stories. There hasn’t been a single writing of yours yet that didn’t leave me in a prayerful and reflective space. Thank you again brother.

And I relate similarly to music as the playlist to the ride of life, more important than the destination itself. Tool carried me through years of troubled youth, and onwards— I remember my heart aching in my chest and spine tingling when I first heard Stinkfist at the age of 16, my best friend at the time telling me it perfectly described his relationship to heroin.

I am honored to be learning more of your story, Tony. In the right time, someday, may we share stories and songs in person. May we share a meal and say a prayer for All Our Relations. In the meantime, I’ll be here, receiving your writings with gratitude, and sending blessings from Columbia, MO 🙏🏻

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Thank-you so much for your support and kind words. I began writing this piece around a month ago. The memory of the car ride with my mom and sister Stephanie needed to be written. I began this piece by really thinking about the differences between my mother's and grandmother's worlds, and ended thinking about how our most memorable moments come equipped with soundtracks.

When I write, I try to portray my experience as universal, hoping that people will recognize that incarcerated voices contain universal insights. Your comment is beautiful. I love Tool, I still learn things about myself and the world when I listen to them.

Also, thanks for sharing about your experience with music, I love hearing from those who connect with my work. I appreciate your thoughtful donation, music in here is so important. The last several days have been especially hard, there are constant fights and violence is becoming so prevalent. In this kind of environment, music is so vital.

I would love to hear any suggestions you (or others) have for good music. My "wishlist" for songs now includes U2, Boyz 2 Men, Cyndi Lauper, Rush, and Gordon Lightfoot.

Yes! Share a meal, a song, and a story. Can' t wait. Thanks Virgil.

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May 31Liked by Anthony R. Rhodd

Brother you are succeeding beautifully in conveying the universal insights coming from incarcerated voices. And your message in the outro of Over/Under has helped me understand that insightful voices such as yours are not an anomaly in the U.S. prison system. That hit hard.

I’m sorry to hear about the especially hard days. I’ve been holding you in my thoughts and sending prayers up for your safety. And wishing for some semblance of ease for you and those amongst you.

As for good music- I tend to bounce all over the place with what I listen to. But a majority of my listening these days is made up of a variety of west-African artists, hip hop, reggae, funk, soul. D Smoke is one hip hop artist I’ve had on repeat lately. “Top of the Morning” is a good one. And Sona Jobarteh from Gambia. “Kambengwo.” Just a couple for starters :)

Please share with us when you get your hands on an iPad and what you listen to. I hope it hits just right.


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